Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I'm Baaaaaaaaaack...

Wow, sorry my last post was IN JANUARY!!!
Since that post was about my new found LOVE of Pinterest (The love is still goin' strong, don't you worry), we'll say my free time got eaten up by that.

I still have been crafting some stuff, and cooking a lot.  I just kind of felt like posting a photo on Facebook of my delicious meals or home decor projects was sufficient.
BUT! With all the fun Fall & Winter Holidays just around the corner (I'm not quite ready to let go of summer just yet...getting close. The Pumpkin Spice Latte has helped a bit), I thought I might be doing more fun stuff that y'all would like to read about!

I also want to share all the meals and crafts you've missed out on in the past NINE months, oh emm gee, HOW did you survive?! So, if you also follow me on Facebook, sorry, those photos are making a deja vu comeback!

I'm back, B*tches.
So there!!