Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award!

I've been nominated for The Liebster Blog Award by Mariely Velez from Sensational Creations!  Thank you so much Mariely, you are so thoughtful!

The Liebster Blog Award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”. So this is the “favorite blog award”.
[I am not certain that these blogs don't have way more than 200 followers, but they just are some of my favorites!]
So, you need to start with 11 facts about you, answer the 11 questions asked of you by the blogger who gave you this award, nominate 11 bloggers (let them know you have nominated them), and then come up with 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominated.

11 Facts About Me

1. I grew up in the forest of Northern CA.
2. I don't like most dogs.
3. My sister is my best friend.
4. As much as I obsess over pumpkin everything in the fall, I am allergic to pumpkin seeds (pepitas).
5. I love making up new dinner recipe creations.
6. I am still terrible at remembering to take photos as a complete a recipe.
7. I wish I had an outdoor patio or garage so I could refinish some of my furniture with all my Pinterest ideas.
8. I don't like soda, and have never drank a can of soda.
9. I am terrible at walking in high heels.
10. I love wine.
11. The best cookie I ever had was called a 'ranger cookie' with coconut, oatmeal, chocolate chips, and more!
Questions from Sensational Creations:

1. How long have you been blogging?
Two years, but only recently have I taken it more seriously.

2. Why you decided to join the blogging world?
Because my mom says I am a funny writer, and I was posting WAY too much on Facebook, haha.
3. Movies or TV series?
TV series.

4. What's your favorite food?
Shoot. Always hard to pick just one!

5. Name some of your hobbies.
Used to dance. Wish I still did it more. Now I like to cook, craft, and I make hair clips that I sell on Etsy.

6. Favorite actor or actress and favorite singer.
Julia Roberts.  Steven Tyler.
7. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I think here, in OC. :)

8. Do you have any pets?
1 crazy black cat, Fiona.
9. What's your favorite color?
10. What are you afraid of?
Not heights, but falling.

11. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
My sister and family :)

My Nominees are:

1.   Kendra with Days in Mayfair
2.   Jacquelyn with The Howard Bunch
3.   Lindsay with Every Single Day
4.   Megan with Nutrition Transitions
5.   Adrienne with The Hicks Family
6.   Megan with The Pink Flour
7.   Meg with Big Red Clifford
8.   Barbara with Chase the Star
9.   Raquel with Organized Island
10. Mary with Let's Play OC
11. Emilia with Confessions of a Tanorexic

And my questions to you:

1.  How long have you been blogging?
2.  Why did you decide to start blogging?
3.  What are you thankful for this year?
4.  What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?
5.  What is your favorite restaurant?
6.  Do you love Pinterest as much as I do?!
7.  What is the best thing you bought lately?
8.   If you could only eat 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
9.  What is your favorite tv show and all time favorite movie?
10. What is your favorite color nail polish to wear?
11. How do you spend your free time? Hobbies?

Go check out all my favorite (Liebster) blogs! Congrats to all the nominees! Don't forget to save a Liebster Blog Award image for your blog!
Thanks again for nominating me Mariely!